2014 Latest Oracle 1Z0-897 Exam Dump Free Download!

Which of the following WS-Security token profiles is not supported in Metro?

A.    X509 Token Profile
B.    Kerberos Token Profile
C.    SAML Token Profile
D.    SOAP with Attachments (SWA) profile
E.    Right Expression Language (REL) Token Profile

Answer: E

Which security technologies are not included in WS-Security?

A.    encryption
B.    handshake for credential exchange and session establishment
C.    security tokens
D.    digital signatures

Answer: B

An automobile manufacturer publishes a Web service for use by their suppliers. The manufacturer has stringent security requirements that require suppliers to verify their identity. Data integrity and confidentiality must be maintained between the client and the server. Which two technologies can be used to meet the requirements? (Choose two)

A.    XACML and XKMS
B.    SSL with mutual authentication
C.    Message level security with WS-Security
D.    Private network and XML Signature

Answer: BC

In designing the security for your enterprise application with multiple Web services, you don’t want that each of the services handle user authentication by itself. Then which of the following you can use in your design?

A.    enable secure conversation for each service
B.    a centralized Policy Decision Point (PDP) via XACML
C.    a Security Token Service (STS)
D.    use transport level security with SSL

Answer: C

A developer wants to use WebServiceContext in the web service endpoint. Which of the following is the correct way to get WebServiceContext object ? (Choose one)

A.    @WebService
public class MyService {
WebServiceContext ctxt;
public String echo(String str) {

B.    @WebService
public class MyService {
WebServiceContext ctxt;
public String echo(String str) {
ctxt = jndi.lookup(“java:com/env/WebServiceContext”); }
C.    @WebService
public class MyService {
WebServiceContext ctxt;
public String echo(String str) {

D.    @WebService
public class MyService {
WebServiceContext ctxt;
public String echo(String str) {


Answer: D

In which order do LogicalHandlers and SOAPHandlers configured on a Web Service endpoint execute on an incoming message ? (Choose one)

A.    SOAPHandlers in the order specified in configuration are executed first and later the LogicalHandlers
specified in the order get executed
B.    LogicalHandlers in the order specified in configuration are executed first and later the SOAPHandlers
specified in the order get executed
C.    All the handlers are executed in the order specified in the configuration
D.    All the handlers are executed in the reverse order specified in the configuration.

Answer: A

If you are developing a Web Service starting from WSDL 1.1, how would you declare in wsdl that the Web Service requires the use of Addressing in a standard and interoperable way.

A.    Declare a policy as
<wsam:Addressing wsp:Optional=”true”>
and attach it the corresponding wsdl:portType so that it applies to all the wsdl:operations in its scope.
B.    Declare a policy as
<wsam:Addressing wsp:Optional=”true”>
and attach it the corresponding wsdl:binding so that it applies to all the wsdl:operations in its scope.
C.    Declare a policy as
and attach it the corresponding wsdl:binding so that it applies to all the wsdl:operations in its scope.
D.    Declare a policy as
and attach it the corresponding wsdl:service so that it applies to all the wsdl:ports in the service scope.

Answer: C

In the following situation, Client C sends a SOAP request to Service S and the response is to be processed by a third party response processor R. Which of the following SOAP headers in the request message convey the intention? Assume the endpoint reference of Service S is

A.    <s11:Header>
<wsa:Action>http://example.com/action/process</wsa:Action> <wsa:ReplyTo>
<wsa:Address>http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/none</wsa:Address> <wsa:ReplyTo>
B.    <s11:Header>
<wsa:Action>http://example.com/action/process</wsa:Action> <wsa:ReplyTo>
<wsa:Address>http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/anonymous</wsa:Address> <wsa:ReplyTo>
C.    <s11:Header>
<wsa:Action>http://example.com/action/process</wsa:Action> <wsa:ReplyTo>
<wsa:Address>http://example.com/responseprocessor</wsa:Address> <wsa:ReplyTo>
D.    <s11:Header>
<wsa:Action>http://example.com/action/process</wsa:Action> <wsa:ReplyTo>
<wsa:Address>http://example.com/service</wsa:Address> <wsa:ReplyTo>

Answer: C

Given stock quote web service endpoint:
and the corresponding client side artifacts for the above web service are :
StockQuoteService is the Service class and StockQuoteProvider is the corresponding SEI. Which of the following two options enable addressing feature for proxy for the StockQuoteProvider SEI ? (Choose two)

A.    proxy = new StockQuoteService().getStockQuoteProvider()
B.    proxy = new StockQuoteService().getStockQuoteProvider(new AddressingFeature())
C.    proxy = new StockQuoteService().getStockQuoteProvider(new AddressingFeature(false))
D.    proxy = new StockQuoteService().getStockQuoteProvider(new AddressingFeature(false, true))

Answer: AB

What is an advantage of enabling Addressing feature on an endpoint?

A.    Addressing ensures reliable transfer of messages between client address and the service address.
B.    Addressing ensures the message exchanges between the client and service are properly secured.
C.    Addressing enables the optimization of messages exchanged between the client and the service.
D.    Addressing provides transport-neutral way to address the endpoints and messages.

Answer: D
Passing your Oracle 1Z0-897 Exam by using the latest 1Z0-897 Exam Dump Full Version: http://www.braindump2go.com/1z0-897.html


Categories Oracle Exam

Post Author: mavis



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